Gua Sha Facials
This massage and well being technique has developed over many decades and is the beginning of a definitive facial journey that was the 'go to' treatment for all ailments.
With its origins steeped in ancient Chinese culture is was recorded that many royal families used this method to alleviate problems within the body systems, it has now become a popular facial with numerous celebrity clients today.
Today the art of Gua Sha is theTraditional East Asian practice of using a small implement to apply accu-pressure and scrape the skin to relieve pain and tension. This action causes erythema or light redness, which can often appear as deep red marks on the surface of the skin known as 'petechiae' or 'sha pronounced 'GwahShah' the name comes from the Chinese word scrape.
It may also be called skin scraping and has become very popular within the Beauty Industry. This treatment for the body has been at the forefront of natural remedies with the additional use of a pure Jade tool or Rose quartz roller and can be delivered to the face, using water for intense hydration or natural oils to allow gentle movement on the surface of the skin.
Gua Sha today is used by many celebrity facialist's, with claims to move blocked energy, rehydrate, aid fine lines, puffiness, congested skins or even underlying stiffness or blockages, improving blood flow leaving a more radiant skin for many of its millions of followers. With gentle yet firm pressure, in the correct direction, we can encourage the lymphatic fluid to move along its natural pathway and enjoy a smoother and more refined skin, with a soothing massage.
Gua Sha Facial Techniques
Drainage of the Lymph responds to light to medium pressure, If your pressure is too firm or vigorous, you can risk bruising, be gentle with your delicate face! Keep your cool cleansing Gua Sha tool, should be positioned at a 15-degree angle to the skin so that it looks almost flat but not quite. This covers more surface and gives a gentle pull on the skin, which is also necessary for the correct technique to deliver benefits. No redness or Shah should be evident on the skin, if this occurs you are applying too much pressure.
With regular use you will immediately see and feel a dramatic change in the texture and radiance of your skin, with a brighter tone and less sluggish appearance.
I have been using mine for almost 6 months now and am totally addicted with smoother skin, I use water or oils for extra nourishment and glide on the skin.
Tools for Gua Sha Facial Massage
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Massage Direction for Eastern Gua Shah techniques @pintrest |